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Partner Profile – PennyBooks

What to do, when off-the-shelf forecasting software doesn’t deliver what your client’s need?  This is the situation U.K based, PennyBooks found themselves in.  Existing Xero marketplace forecasting solutions, either didn’t provide the level of accuracy client’s needed, or required way too much data entry on the client’s part. Enter Scott’s Add-in for Xero.  PennyBooks used …

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Orphans: solving for Xero bank accounts with no account code

When adding a bank account to Xero, the user is not required to assign an account code to the account.  The user can, in the future revisit this decision and assign an account code at a later date.  However, the Scott’s Add-in database does not recognize any historical transactions made to the account PRIOR to …

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What am I missing

How to find a missing account code in your spreadsheet. When using our add-in to create financial art, sometimes we may inadvertently omit an account. Here’s a quick tip video on how to find that missing account using the =SCOTT.XRANGE function.

The P&L is Dead

Traditional financial reports have lost their appeal (if there ever was any) to entrepreneurs. The P&L and Balance Sheet are artifacts created by the accounting profession, designed to be the main outputs of a double entry accounting system. While well intended, these financial statements don’t satisfy the entrepreneur’s desire for financial information. The business owner, …

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New function =XTRACKR is here!

=XTRACKR extends our add-in for Xero, by allowing you to specify a range of Xero GL account codes, tracking category, and tracking option. The syntax looks like this =XTRACKR (Begin Account Code, Ending Account Code, Tracking Category,Tracking Option,Start Date,End Date) Some “use cases” of =XTRACKR include building a matrix P&L with departments or stores in …

New function =XTRACKR is here! Read More »

Our Stand

Accounting and finance professionals need to rapidly evolve their service offering to small business clients.  Why?  Technology. Technology will automate and commoditize the historical service offerings that professionals have relied on to earn income, and live a good life. Tax prep, bookkeeping, and more, will become the domain of machines.  Machines, powered by AI will …

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