Meet the

These functions make it a breeze to create financial art using Excel and your accounting data.





Chart of accounts


GL account balance


SUM of multiple GL account balances


Generates a list of accounts or tracking categories / options

Negative sign of GL account balance

Sum of account balances


GL account description


GL account balance for a trackng category and option


Sum of account balances for a tracking category and option


Returns GL account balance filtered by two tracking categories


Returns budget for a specific general ledger account code


Returns the net income optionally filtered by one or two tracking categories

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Chart of accounts


GL account balance


Sum of multiple GL account balances


Generates a list of accounts, departments / locations, classes, customers, or vendors

Negative sign of GL account balance

Sum of account balances


GL account description


GL account balance for a specific class


Sum of account balances for a specific class


GL account balance for a specific department


Sum of account balances for a specific department


GL account balance for a specific class and department


Budget for a specific account, class, department, custoomer


Budget for a specific account, class, department, customer


Sum of account balances for s specific vendor.


Sum of account balances for a specific customer.


Sum of account balances that meet criteria for Class, Department, Customer, and Vendor


Returns the Net Income filtered by a class, customer, department, and/or vendor.

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