Meet the
These functions make it a breeze to create bespoke Excel reports from your accounting data.
Chart of accounts
GL account balance
SUM of multiple GL account balances
Returns GL account balance for multiple accounts filtered by a tracking category
Generates a list of accounts or tracking categories / options
Sum of account balances
GL account description
GL account balance for a trackng category and option
Sum of account balances for a tracking category and option
Returns GL account balance filtered by two tracking categories
Returns budget for a specific general ledger account code
Returns the net income optionally filtered by one or two tracking categories
Chart of accounts
GL account balance
Sum of multiple GL account balances
Generates a list of accounts, departments / locations, classes, customers, or vendors
Sum of account balances
GL account description
GL account balance for a specific class
Sum of account balances for a specific class
GL account balance for a specific department
Sum of account balances for a specific department
GL account balance for a specific class and department
Budget for a specific account, class, department, custoomer
Budget for a specific account, class, department, customer
Sum of account balances for s specific vendor.
Sum of account balances for a specific customer.
Sum of account balances that meet criteria for Class, Department, Customer, and Vendor
Returns the Net Income filtered by a class, customer, department, and/or vendor.